Monday, August 15, 2011

Found Color Wheels: Group Project

Group B

Group C

Group D


  1. Group B
    Pro: The style of the cupcakes are very interesting, and the colors of the cakes really stands out. The light from the windows also gives it a beautiful shine on the cakes.
    Cons: the cupcakes would of look better if some of them wasn't so flat, and bigger than the others. Also 3 of the oranges look very similar to each other.Finally the icing looked rushed on except just taking time on

  2. Group D
    Pros: The good thing about this color wheel is that its appealing to women and make-up artist's, also trying something thats hard to do with fingernail polish is a good thing also

    Cons: I can't tell if its a color wheel or not, the colors doesnt seem to be gettubg darker or lighter from the picture. Also maybe picking a different idea would of made it better because the hole nail thing was not a good idea.Finally maybe just showing one of the colors of it shade would of help me figure out the wheel.

  3. Group B
    Pro: Great idea to choose cupcakes the colors are well represented and u can see the different shades and tints well. I like the fact that this idea was probably harder then it seems. Icing had to be hard to get diff colors nice overall job i really like this one. U can see the 3D in this project easily...
    Cons: Only con i can think of is that the lighter the color of icing like the yellows and the oranges are very similar u can barley tell the difference in the colors...

    Group C
    Pros: Very smart to use sticks like this very original and at the same time very creative. The colors are very saturated and u can definitely see the lights going into the darks. Its easy to see the transitions because of the marks on each stick going from light to dark. Overall nice and easy idea i like this one as well.

    Cons: There are more darks on this project than lights. Some of the sticks look the same and its hard to tell the difference in the two blues and the two reds. Its not really 3D well it doesn't pop out at you. Overall i like this idea a lot because it is so simple and at the same time creative.

  4. Group C
    Pro~ I like the design you were trying to go for. It also kind of looks like a cross that is glowing. I can appreciate the symmetry in the design and even how you went from darkest to lightest. Makes it look as if there was a glow around a cross.

    Con~ Unfortunately it looks as if you went a little too dark too fast especially with the blues and some of the greens. I also feel like you could have been a little more creative with this project. The idea of using Popsicle sticks was different and interesting, so I feel like you could of had a little more fun with it. Even if you were just to stack them on top of each other just so it could have a kind of 3D effect and stand out more, would have made this project a lot better.

    Over all, a good design, a little rushed, but with just a little more care could have been a great finished product.

  5. Group D
    Pro~ The fact that you used nail polish for your concept is a fun and smart idea. You had an interesting concept and followed to directions well going from lightest to darkest with the nail polishes. I like how you used the nail polish bottles in the middle making the design pop. Very creative and fun design.

    Con~ While you a had a great concept the execution could have gone a little better in certain areas. Some of the colors are hard to see or tell. It could have been a little neater or organized. It may have helped if instead of using magazine clippings, if you had used fake nails, painted them and organized them in rows in their assigned colors. It might have made it stand out more, neater, and better recognizable.

  6. Brad Lassiter:
    Group B:
    Pro's- This was a great idea . I like they way we used the Icing to fade from one color to the next and It really looks like a real Color wheel.we used different color icing to get that since of a color wheel and makes the cakes stand out.
    Con's-The only cons i could think of is i noticed that if you look closely to the tip of them you will see a drop or a little sprinkle. and it's only on red, orange and Green.I would have like the middle to be darker and the outside to be lighter.

    Group C
    Pros-The shading in this design is very unique . I like how it fades from dark to like and the fact that they used sticks was right because it gives the paint the color it needs.

    Cons-The only con i could think of is for the design part of the sticks . they should have formed them in a circle instead of making half and half of a circle and i think it should of used a little more lighter color on the outside.

    Group D
    Pros-They had a really good idea of using the theme of nails. They didn't just use nails they also used polish pictures to make a collage. They found good pictures to give the design a good since of color and fading from one color to another.

    Cons-For the idea of making a color wheel i would have just make painted nails because the collage looks a little to over the place a doesn't feel like a color wheel they could have also just used the nail polish bottles . I also see a lot more red and Blue than any other color

  7. Samanthia Keymist

    Group B
    Pros: Cupcake, fun. A sweet idea. love the display and setup, very clean and arranged in a nice order of light to dark. I wish we had class on monday, i would of love to help you clean up.

    I wish group B would of push a little more in to make a fuller wheel of cupcakes.Just to have more of an impacted.

    Group C
    Pros: the use of popsicle sticks was nopt a bad idea. it most have been a little less stressful to work with and paint to get your colors right.

    Cons: It thought that your dark purples and blues look somewhat the same in the picture.
    Just a lilttle too dark in some areas.

    Group D
    Great idea in using nail polish to make the color wheel. the use of different painted finger nail to show the shades of polish was also a good idea overall.

    Cons: Doing this project took alot more time than expected. I wish we had more time to find more nail polish to add to project.

  8. Group C
    Pro~ I like the design you were using for the popsicle sticks. Something I would never think of. I like how it looks like a cross. You seem to have spent a good deal of time changing the shades of the paint.

    Con~ In some areas it's a little to dark or a little to light. The difference in color don't really stand out there isn't any difference at all. There isn't a difference in the oranges and reds.

    Group D
    Pro~ I love how you used nail polish in your project. To see all the different colors that nail polish can give you. It must of taken you a lot of time to find all the pictures. Nail polish is definitely something related to color theory!

    Con~ You had a great idea, but it could of gone better in some areas. Some of the colors are hard to see because of the flash on the camera. It could have been more organized because I don't know what goes were. What happened to the fake nails I told you about in class?

  9. Pro 1: Group B I like the concept of cup cakes, not to mention its actually looks good. I like the size of your project its takes up lots of space
    Pro 2: For it to be an analogous color scheme project pretty much, because each person in the group had there own three hues to work with it looks good color wise. The picture clarity is good its blurry or anything. It also looks like you really took time to do your project.

    Con 1: Group B As far as the hues u could have made the inner/primary cup cakes could have been a little more saturated with the colors of the color wheel.
    Con 2: I think the value of hues could have been better i really dont think it was original is been done lots of times and thats all i saw on google!
    Derrick R.

  10. Group B

    Pros - I really like how these cupcakes turned out. At first the lighting makes it hard to distinguish the change from darkest to lightest, but if you look closer you can really see the change, particularly in the violet/purple/red cupcakes. You can really tell this project took alot of time and effort into achieving the desired shades and tints.

    Cons - I think that a few of the colors worked out better than others, like the mid-orange and yellow cupcakes for example. The change seems alot less gradual and more drastic.

    Group C

    Pros - This project really looks like a color wheel. I like how each pair of sticks are presented around each other, it definitely makes the presentation more interesting. The change of values in the project from light to dark are noticeable/clear, especially the red sticks.

    Cons - I think a few of the sticks change light to dark a little too fast, like the blue ones for example. I think a little more consistency was needed in the ranges from light to dark. You can see that the top red sticks go light to dark maybe a little bit to slow, and the bottom ones are alot darker.

    Group D

    Pros - This project really caught my eye. I really like the creativity and thought put into it. The different pictures of the different colors really stand out, especially the top red ones. I like how they are organized as well. Definitely original.

    Cons - Though the project was very creative, I think some of the different shades and tints weren't presented as well because that would be too difficult to do. I really liked the organization, but maybe actually seeing colors ranging from dark to light suffered from the style of the presentation.

    - Omar

  11. Pro 1: Group D really like the concept of your project. The hues are on point according to the color wheel, the colors are very saturated and so are the pitures on top of the polish. the think that females would relate to this project a lot.
    Pro 2: I think that your project was very original i have never seen this particular color wheel done. It looks like you took time to complete your project and it looks good. The picture is telling me that group D likes to have there nails done.

    Con 1:uuuuuumm my first con would have to be the polish, even though the project is original
    it wasent a very challaging task regarding nail polish could have went better there.
    Con 2:Nail polish can be bought really wasent an artistic effort could have did better on that note overall is was good and also could have did more

    Derrick R.

  12. Group B Pros: very creative..I like how the cupcakes are actually goin from light to dark..its very neat and you can it took patience and time to complete.

    Group B cons:the colors could have been more precise..I think they could have been a Lil more really doesn't show artistic acrylic or anything used.

    Group D Pros: I like the idea.. They put themselves to test because nail polish is difficult to do.i like how they thought to make it more interesting by adding pictures.

    Group D Cons: I can't really tell that it's a color wheel.u can't really tell if it's saturated or not..also the artistic doesn't really show..the pics kinda threw me off because all the pics doesn't have all the colors in them.

  13. Matt Watters

    Group B
    PRO: It was really cool that you were able to do this with cupcakes. Many of the colors fit perfectly in the color wheel
    CONS: The lighting of the photo makes it difficult to tell the colors on top apart from each other and the reds seem a little too close togther but anyone would have a tough time getting it perfect on cupcakes.

    Group D:

    PROS:This is really cool because it must have been hard to find or take all of those photos. The sections on the color wheel are pretty distinguished.

    CONS: There could have been more of a gradient going into the middle. Also there could have been more photos or bigger ones, because they are slightly hard to see.

  14. Group B
    Pros: This was very creative. I really like the cupcake concept. Im sure it took a while to make all of the different icings.
    Con: Some of the colors look a little similar like the blues.

  15. Naomi Kim
    Group B:
    Originality - I really like the way Group B presented their idea because they were the only group that employed food in their project. You can clearly see the amonnt of effort that went into the creation of each cupcake, then into the creation of the individual colors to create different tints/shades.
    All 12 colors of the Color Wheel appear present with good progression from tint, to pure color, then to shade. I would not have changed anything about this project because firstly, cupcakes are always nice to make, and the colors are all represented in a tasty fashion.
    Group C:
    Originality - I think the group was effective in being able to achieve the desired affect, but personally, I think they lost points for creativity instead of originality. Their media of choice was paint, and honestly, it is (fairly) easy to create the different tints/shades for each color with paint.
    I think the group was able to achieve each tint/shade successfully, however, I believe the shades are more prominent; there are hardly any tints in the composition. The red, red orange, orange, and yellow orange seem too similar.
    I would have changed the number of tints present in the project because they are almost lacking. Also, I would have tried to come up with an alternative way to represent the 3D aspect of this assignment.
